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Sunday, July 28, 2013

♥ Day 7/100 ♥ Clean Eating Challenge

Yaaay! I finished the first week of my clean eating challenge! I'll make the next two weeks a bit more challenging though...hoho. 

Here's my intake & exercise for day 7 of 100:

- Breakfast -
- Walnuts, 35g
- Yogurt, 145g
- Blueberries
- 1/2 Mango

- Yes. That bunny is an egg. (And I'll write about how I made it tomorrow soon!)
- Blueberries
- 1/2 Mango

- Dinner -
- 1 Banana
- Blueberries
- 40g Yogurt
- Rosehip tea

- Coffee with 100ml skimmed milk
- 3 dried apricots 

AND, I had a second cup of coffee with 100ml skimmed milk, which I didn't take a picture of. Kyaaa.

Set 1 - Legs
Elliptical - 10min
Squats  - 3x30
Toe Raises  - x100
Wall sit - 60sec
Staircase - 5min
Toe Raises - x100
Lounges (with 2kg dumbbells) - 3x30
Wall sit - 60sec
Set 2 - Arms (with 2kg dumbbells)
Flies - x30
On-knee push ups - x25
Press - x30
On-knee push ups - x30
Curls - x30

Set 3 - Abs
70 Russian Twists
20sec plank
50 crunches
20sec plank
25 situps

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