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Thursday, August 1, 2013

♥ Day 11/100 ♥ Clean Eating Challenge

Bleh. Today, when I woke up I started to get so busy I didn't have time for breakfast or snacks! And then, I also didn't find time for lunch ;_;
At the end of the day, I was so, SO hungry! When I finally had time to eat something (at 4pm), I had

- 1 Banana & Rosehip Tea

Well, it happened again. Yes, Bananas, which I want to stop eating, BECAUSE OF THE CARBS

Always when I'm hungry, like wow, I can't think anymore! Then stuff goes like this:
- omg i got the rumblies 
- omg i need to eat healthy
I'm such a...Bananaddict ; D *drum*
And then, because I knew I kind did my clean eating totes wrong (because actually you're supposed to have breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks o.o) I decided to create this protein bomb of yumminess!

May I present you? My mozarella tomato omelette, made with two egg whites and one egg.
Leavy green stuff called salad on the side.
Later I started feeling a bit dizzy though, so I snacked on:

- About 130g Mangooo!
- 2 glasses of pineapple juiceee!
- Raisins (like, 30g)


(yes this is included in clean eating but in my opinion, peanut butter is devilish good and should be damned in hell. oh yes, you heard that)
Which will probably be the last one dis decade. Cuz, ya know, dem makin da fatty fat.
But it was so gewd. No regrets. Never look back.
Adios amigos.
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