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Monday, July 22, 2013

100 Day Clean Eating Challenge

Reading the title, you might think now, 
what the heck is this challenge that I want to put myself under for 100 days and WHY!?

Well, let me explain you. This challenge is all about eating clean and it is very simple to understand:

For 100 days, I'm not eating anything
1) Processed
2) Fried or sugary
3) White carbs like bread/crackers, white rice

But...I'm allowed to eat
- Veggies
- Fruits
- Lean Protein 
- Healthy fats found in avocado, salmon & nuts like almonds 
- Whole grains such as brown rice & quinoa

So as you can see, this is not a "fad diet", as "diets" are not considered to be healthy or a long time solution. What I'm doing is changing what I eat to be more healthy and...I really, REALLY want to let go of wanting to eat sweet things!

 You know that I love cupcakes, chocolate and all kinds of cute candies. They make me happy, but then again, they make me sad because they're unhealthy, fat & sugary and can lead to unhealthy weight gain! ...Which has additional consequences! ;_;

I thought about keeping this challenge a secret for me, but then I realised that it'd be super fun to share healthy recipes & fitness tips with chu guys! Also, I'm keeping a diary for every day, yes, EVERY DAY of my 100 Day Clean Eating Challenge, so I can show you that it is indeed possible to eat healthy even when you're travelling, studying for a test, stressed, going to an event with lots of yummy stuff & you're tempted, blah blah blah!

Let's GO! 

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  1. Good luck, I want to do it, too. ^-^
    Greetings from Germany ♥

  2. Good idea =^w^= !
    I do it too ! Leeeet's goooo /*o*/
    *eat a candy* huhu sorry =.='
    (I'm French so .. I feel sorry if you don't understand ;_;)

  3. It's very easy once you get used to it ^_^ though you can have "bad" sweets once in a while,all you have to do is to keep a balanced diet :) Good Luck!!!

  4. Good luck with this! I've been wanting to do something like this as well. I think I might give it a try now that you're starting!

    The Girly Gamer

  5. I wish you also good luck :)
    I think its ver hard without any kind of sweet... Ich liebe Suesskram ja auch so *heul*

    But I am sure you can do it!!

    Sweet greetings,

  6. yay! Goodluck Venus :) You can do it! Aja!

    P.s Hope you'll join my giveaway here: FirmooXiambabbledoll giveaway thank you!


  7. Awwww das klingt gut, ich glaube ich schließ mich auch an. Weil ich hab auch schon länger über sowas nachgedacht aber nie wirklich umgesetzt... ;A;
    Viel Glück! Leeeet's start! QwQ <3

  8. That's really awesome haha, but you NEED sugar haha. I wanna join you, but I think my parents wouldn't like it ;A;.

    Ich liebe deine Videos und dich Venus!!!


  9. Best of luck buu~
    I'm going to start now too!
    TEAM EFFORT n__n

  10. I'll do it too, Ill follow you then!

  11. I'm sure, that her mum has proposed she to do that.

  12. A fifteen years old french girl will do this diet with you, Venus-chan! (>0<)/ I'm starting now!

  13. Wish you good luck! It sounds like a really good idea. I try to eat healthy too, but somehow something like a pizza always ends up on my dish. Only from time to time, so I do not think it is really bad, but I often wonder if I could see any improvement (feeling better, feeling more fit, having better skin, etc) if I kept to only healthy food for a really long period of time.
